Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A
Yizhou Zhu1
Westlake University1
Halide-based solid electrolyte has emerged as promising materials for the development of solid-state batteries, due to their high ionic conductivity and excellent chemical properties. Li
6 is a prototype halide-based superionic material that features anisotropic ionic diffusion. Elucidating the ionic transport and optimizing the conductivity in such anisotropic materials is crucial for enhancing the performance of solid-state batteries. In this work, by using molecular dynamics simulations with a machine learning force field, we systematically study the anisotropic ion diffusion behavior, including directional conductivity contribution, concerted migration, disorder-order transition in Li
6. Our results prove that the fast
c-direction is the major contributor to total diffusivity, especially under room temperature. The hcp anion arrangement leads to anisotropic diffusion mechanism. Lithium diffusion along the
c-direction exhibit a highly concerted feature, which is absent in the
ab-plane diffusion. A disorder-order transition of lithium sublattice can occur below a critical temperature. Our results show that the ordering occurs with a regular pattern of lithium ions. The lithium sublattice ordering is strongly influenced by yttrium cation arrangement and can be suppressed if a small amount of Li/Y anti-site defects are present. These understanding can help to provide guidance for the future development of anisotropic superionic materials.