December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Using High-Throughput Computational Screening to Search for Long Carrier Lifetime Solar Absorbers for Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Applications

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
8:45am - 9:00am
Hynes, Level 3, Room 300



Geoffroy Hautier1,Zhenkun Yuan1,Diana Dahliah2,3,Muhammad Hasan4,Gideon Kassa1,Andrew Pike1,Shaham Quadir5,Romain Claes2,Cierra Chandler6,Yihuang Xiong1,Victoria Kyveryga4,7,Philip Yox4,7,Gian-Marco Rignanese2,Ismaila Dabo6,Andriy Zakutayev5,David Fenning8,Obadiah Reid5,9,Sage Bauers5,Jifeng Liu1,Kirill Kovnir4,7

Dartmouth College1,Université Catholique de Louvain2,An-Najah National University3,Iowa State University of Science and Technology4,National Renewable Energy Laboratory5,The Pennsylvania State University6,Ames National Laboratory7,University of California, San Diego8,University of Colorado Boulder9


Geoffroy Hautier1,Zhenkun Yuan1,Diana Dahliah2,3,Muhammad Hasan4,Gideon Kassa1,Andrew Pike1,Shaham Quadir5,Romain Claes2,Cierra Chandler6,Yihuang Xiong1,Victoria Kyveryga4,7,Philip Yox4,7,Gian-Marco Rignanese2,Ismaila Dabo6,Andriy Zakutayev5,David Fenning8,Obadiah Reid5,9,Sage Bauers5,Jifeng Liu1,Kirill Kovnir4,7

Dartmouth College1,Université Catholique de Louvain2,An-Najah National University3,Iowa State University of Science and Technology4,National Renewable Energy Laboratory5,The Pennsylvania State University6,Ames National Laboratory7,University of California, San Diego8,University of Colorado Boulder9
Finding new solar absorbers for photovoltaic (PV) or photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) is a cumbersome process involving complex synthesis and characterization. Materials are often selected serendipitously or by structural analogies (e.g., CIGS and CZTS). In this talk, we will present how high-throughput computational screening can be used to select materials of interest with adequate band gap, transport but also most importantly low bulk carrier recombination. By including defects within the high-throughput process, we have been capable to focus our search on materials with few defect recombination centers. Our screening on tens of thousands of materials identified a few new candidates including a new ternary phosphide BaCd2P2 (BCP) which was experimentally synthesized and characterized.1 Very long carrier lifetime for an unoptimized material were measure up to 30 ns. Importantly, BCP is stable in air and water. Next to BCP, we will show that ternary Zintl phosphide of formula AM2P2 offer an attractive chemical space for new materials including candidates for tandem and PEC applications. Finally, we will highlight the challenges and opportunities in bringing theoretical screening to work hand-in-hand with experiments in a team-based approach.

1. Yuan, Z.; Dahliah, D.; Hasan, M. R.; Kassa, G.; Pike, A.; Quadir, S.; Claes, R.; Chandler, C.; Xiong, Y.; Kyveryga, V.; Yox, P.; Rignanese, G.-M.; Dabo, I.; Zakutayev, A.; Fenning, D. P.; Reid, O. G.; Bauers, S.; Liu, J.; Kovnir, K.; Hautier, G. Discovery of the Zintl-Phosphide BaCd2P2 as a Long Carrier Lifetime and Stable Solar Absorber. Joule 2024, 1–18.


optical properties

Symposium Organizers

Virgil Andrei,
Rafael Jaramillo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rajiv Prabhakar,
Ludmilla Steier, University of Oxford

Session Chairs

Rajiv Prabhakar
Ludmilla Steier

In this Session