April 10 - 14, 2023
San Francisco, California
2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Identification and Performance Impact of Small Process Fluctuations in the Upsizing of Thin Film CZTSe/CdS Photovoltaic Technology

When and Where

Apr 13, 2023
11:15am - 11:30am
Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2002



Pedro Vidal-Fuentes1,Fabien Atlan1,Jacob Andrade-Arvizu1,David Payno1,Enric Grau-Luque1,Alejandro Perez-Rodriguez1,2,Victor Izquierdo-Roca1

IREC1,Universitat de Barcelona2


combinatorial | thin film

Symposium Organizers

Eric Colegrove, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jessica de Wild, imec
Byungha Shin, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Colin Wolden, Colorado School of Mines

Session Chairs

Jessica de Wild
Mirjana Dimitrievska

In this Session