November 26 - December 1, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2023 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Plasma-Engineered Carboxylic Compound-Derived Graphene Quantum Dots as Multifunctional Nanosensors for Simultaneous Detection of Biomarkers and Metal Ions

When and Where

Nov 28, 2023
11:45am - 12:00pm
Sheraton, Second Floor, Independence East



Yan-Yi Chen1,Wei-Hung Chiang1

Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology1


nucleation & growth | quantum materials

Symposium Organizers

Rebecca Anthony, Michigan State University
Fiorenza Fanelli, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Tsuyohito Ito, The University of Tokyo
Lorenzo Mangolini, University of California, Riverside

Session Chairs

Rebecca Anthony
Davide Mariotti

In this Session