May 8 - 13, 2022
Honolulu, Hawaii
May 23 - 25, 2022 (Virtual)
2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Data-Driven Field Inversion of Molecular Simulations to Construct Free Energy Landscapes of Organic Semiconducting Systems

When and Where

May 11, 2022
3:15pm - 3:30pm
Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 3, Lili'U Theater, 310



Chih-Hsuan (Bella) Yang1,Baskar Ganapathysubramanian1,Balaji Pokuri1

Iowa State University1


phase transformation

Symposium Organizers

Mathieu Bauchy, University of California, Los Angeles
Mathew Cherukara, Argonne National Laboratory
Grace Gu, University of California, Berkeley
Badri Narayanan, University of Louisville

Session Chairs

Mathieu Bauchy

In this Session