May 8 - 13, 2022
Honolulu, Hawaii
May 23 - 25, 2022 (Virtual)
2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Enhanced Emission from the Bright Exciton and Locating the Dark Exciton in Strained CdSe/CdxZn1–xSe QDs

When and Where

May 12, 2022
11:00am - 11:15am
Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 3, 317B



Igor Fedin1,Mateusz Goryca2,Dan Liu3,Sergei Tretiak3,Victor Klimov3,Scott Crooker3

The University of Alabama1,The University of Warsaw2,Los Alamos National Laboratory3

Symposium Organizers

Tae-Woo Lee, Seoul National University
Hanwei Gao, Florida State University
Maksym Kovalenko, ETH Zurich
Jiangeng Xue, University of Florida

Symposium Support

Army Research Office

Session Chairs

Feng Gao
Tae-Woo Lee
Myoung Hoon Song

In this Session