May 8 - 13, 2022
Honolulu, Hawaii
May 23 - 25, 2022 (Virtual)
2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Effect of Temperature Gradient on Crosslinking of GelMA for 4D-Bioprinting Deformable Structures

When and Where

May 11, 2022
3:15pm - 3:30pm
Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 3, 319B



Zeqing Jin1,Zhizhou Zhang1,Shao-Yi Yu1,Grace Gu1

University of California, Berkeley1


3D printing

Symposium Organizers

Roger Narayan, North Carolina State University
Jinah Jang, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Khoon Lim, University of Otago
Min Wang, University of Hong Kong

Session Chairs

Yong Lin Kong
Rahim Rahimi

In this Session