April 22 - 26, 2019
Phoenix, Arizona
2019 MRS Spring Meeting

Study of Thermoelectric Properties of Mixed Phase Bi2Se3 Films Made by Electrodeposition

When and Where

Apr 24, 2019
4:15pm - 4:30pm
PCC North, 200 Level, Room 225 A



Md Golam Rosul1,Rasin Ahmed1,Mona Zebarjadi1,Giovanni Zangari1

University of Virginia1


electrodeposition | thermoelectricity

Symposium Organizers

Jiaqing He, Southern University of Science and Technology
Yaniv Gelbstein, Ben-Gurion University
Theodora Kyratsi, University of Cyprus
Yimei Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Symposium Support

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Session Chairs

In Chung
Zhifeng Ren

In this Session