April 22 - 26, 2019
Phoenix, Arizona
2019 MRS Spring Meeting

Poroviscoelastic Characterization and Modeling of Non-Crystalline Glassy Superabsorbent Polymer Microparticles During Chemical Induced Swelling

When and Where

Apr 25, 2019
2:30pm - 2:45pm
PCC North, 200 Level, Room 228 A



Akshay Phadnis1,Kenneth C. Manning1,Timothy Burgin1,Konrad Rykaczewski1

Arizona State University1


microscale | polymer

Symposium Organizers

Dmitry Chigrin, RWTH Aachen University
Alexander Kuehne, DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials
Valérie Ravaine, University of Bordeaux
Joris Sprakel, Wageningen University and Research

Session Chairs

Michel Cloitre
Shin-Hyun Kim

In this Session