April 22 - 26, 2019
Phoenix, Arizona
2019 MRS Spring Meeting

Isolated Transition Metal Single Atom Catalysts for Selective CO2 Reduction

When and Where

Apr 24, 2019
11:30am - 12:00pm
PCC North, 100 Level, Room 122 C



Haotian Wang1

Rice University1

Symposium Organizers

Jin Suntivich, Cornell University
Ismaila Dabo, The Pennsylvania State University
Yelena Gorlin, Robert Bosch LLC
Wenchao Sheng, Tongji University

Symposium Support

Bio-Logic USA
Joule | Cell Press
JPhys Materials | IOP Publishing
Murata Electronics North America, Inc.
Pine Instruments
Scribner Associates, Inc.

Session Chairs

Shuo Chen
Kelsey Stoerzinger

In this Session