December 1 - 6, 2019
Boston, Massachusetts
2019 MRS Fall Meeting

Defect Formation in 4 nm Au Nanocrystals under High Pressure

When and Where

Dec 6, 2019
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Hynes, Level 1, Room 109



Abhinav Parakh1,Sangryun Lee2,Lindsey Hanson3,Mehrdad Kiani1,David Doan1,Martin Kunz4,Andrew Doran4,Seunghwa Ryu2,Wendy Gu1

Stanford University1,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology2,Trinity College3,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory4


Au | elastic properties | x-ray diffraction (XRD)

Symposium Organizers

Avinash Dongare, University of Connecticut
Basile Audoly, CNRS et École polytechnique
Irene Beyerlein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Chiara Daraio, California Institute of Technology

Session Chairs

Megumi Kawasaki
Kelvin Xie

In this Session