April 2 - 6, 2018
Phoenix, Arizona
2018 MRS Spring Meeting

Investigating Structure and Performance of Prussian Blue Analogs for Nuclear Waste Applications Using High Resolution Synchrotron Methods

When and Where

Apr 5, 2018
9:00am - 9:15am
PCC North, 100 Level, Room 127 C



Simerjeet Gill1,Mohamed Elbakhshwan1,Clément Cabaud2,Agnes Grandjean2,Siyu Yao1,Eli Stavitski1,Klaus Attenkofer1,Lynne Ecker1

Brookhaven National Laboratory1,Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission2


extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) | nuclear materials

Symposium Organizers

Simerjeet Gill, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jake Amoroso, Savannah River National Laboratory
Agnes Grandjean, Commissariat à l'énergie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives
Shenyang Hu, PNNL

Symposium Support

MRS Invitation to Publish
All authors are invited to submit articles based on their 2018 MRS Spring
Meeting presentations to journals in the MRS portfolio.
(www.mrs.org/publications-news) Papers submitted and accepted for
publication in MRS Advances (www.mrs.org/mrs-advances) will be
available as symposium collections. Visit the MRS/Cambridge University
Press Publications Booth #100 in the Exhibit Hall to learn more, including
MRS Advances print options available at special rates during the meeting
week only.

Session Chairs

Julien Cambedouzou
Agnes Grandjean

In this Session