MRS-Nature AI Workshop Landing Banner

Join us for a two-day virtual workshop where the theme of Artificial Intelligence in Materials will include new AI methods and approaches, computational models, science and engineering domains, materials development, and applications with new ecosystems including advanced manufacturing. Discussions will include:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the convergence of fundamentals and applications
  • Science domains with increasing hyphenation in experimental methods
  • Algorithms and digital twins at the hierarchy of materials order and phenomena
  • Generative neural networks for autonomous optimization
  • ML of non-optimized data beyond regression analysis and Bayesian methods
  • Experimental tools based on automation and in-operando measurements
  • Robotics and mechatronics in laboratories of the future
  • Relevance of AI in nanomaterials and quantum computing
  • Advanced manufacturing and the benefits of AI/ML

Each day will bring together experts in the field from academia and industry for keynote presentations and a panel discussion. Join us as we discuss these topics and more!

May 21, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM ET
May 22, 2024 | 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM ET

Please note the different start times for the sessions. 
The sessions will be recorded and made available to event registrants.


Regular Rate—$75
MRS Member Rate—$50
Student Rate—$25

Registration is now closed


Thank you to our Sponsor

American Elements




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