For pioneering picometer engineering of materials and phenomena, and for transforming our understanding of nanoscale phenomena, materials and devices by integrating materials synthesis and fabrication with creative application of theory.
For pioneering contributions to our understanding and utilization of polar semiconductors for power electronics and infrared nanophotonics, and his tireless volunteerism to MRS and its Government Affairs Committee.
For influential contributions to the development of computational methods leading to fundamental understanding of thermal transport in materials on nanometer length scales.
For groundbreaking contributions to organic and halide perovskite light-emitting diodes, large-area flexible electronics and bioinspired artificial nerves.
For insightful research on organic and polymeric electronic materials, revealing their structure and its impact on properties and performance, and for their application in devices of novel design.
For critical contributions to thin-film research; outstanding, sustained and effective leadership in directing and promoting materials research; and dedication to professional materials societies and their goals.
In recognition of his far-reaching ideas and concepts to interface inorganic nanomaterials with biological systems, thereby affecting developments in nanoscience and biotechnology.
For his outstanding service to MRS and visionary leadership in materials science and engineering, innovation and pioneering achievements in materials research, and contributions to technology transfer to industry.
For pioneering contributions to the computation, data- and informatics-guided design of materials, and the creation of machine-learning-based tools for on-demand instantaneous predictions of complex materials properties.
For pioneering liquid-based scalable synthetic methods to manufacture carbon nanotubes with controlled morphologies and dopant concentrations, and for using Raman spectroscopy to elucidate their structure–applications and fundamental properties.
For his seminal contributions to the field of functional materials by developing quantitative model experiments using correlations to describe the interplay between mechanical functionality and electrical properties.
For significant contributions to organic materials for light-emitting devices, and leadership of the materials community as the Director of the Division of Materials Research at NSF.
For the discovery, implementation, popular dissemination and commercialization of pulsed laser deposition for multicomponent thin-film synthesis.
For outstanding contributions to the understanding of the formation, chemical transformation and assembly of nanomaterials, and for pioneering research in the design of responsive photonic nanostructures.
For his transformative developments in the fundamentals and commercialization of advanced energy-storage materials, and the discovery of a new synthetic mechanism enabling facile production of ceramic nanofibers.