Obituaries for Arthur Robert von Hippel

Below are obituaries that appeared in various publications following the death of Arthur Robert von Hippel in 2003.

Arthur R. von Hippel Obituary—

This obituary for Arthur R. von Hippel appeared on the MRS website following his passing on December 31, 2003.

Arthur Robert von Hippel—In Memoriam (PDF)

This memorium to Arthur von Hippel by Mildred Dresselhaus appeared in the April 2004 MRS Bulletin.

Arthur Robert von Hippel Obituary—Physics Today (PDF)

This obituary for Arthur Robert von Hippel was written by Mildred Dresselhaus for Physics Today.

Nachruf auf Arthur Robert von Hippel (PDF)

German-language tribute to Arthur Robert von Hippel by Maurizio Vallauri from Physik Journal.

Obituary of Arthur Robert von Hippel—Physik Journal (translated from German) 

English translation of the obituary of Arthur Robert von Hippel from Physik Journal.