This honor recognizes significant novel contributions to materials science by an early-career researcher.
The Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science: This award, supported by The Kavli Foundation, honors an early career scientist who has made a significant contribution to the science of materials through experimental and/or theoretical research. Exceptions may be made for an interruption in career progression due to family/medical leave or military service. Final determination on any exceptions will be at the discretion of The Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science Subcommittee.
Deadline is May 1, 2025
The Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science includes a $1,000 cash prize, trophy and two nights hotel to attend the Meeting to present a talk.
The nomination will be submitted through the MRS Awards Nomination Submission Website portal.
Required information for the application includes:
Rules and Eligibility: Nomination for the Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science is open to scientists working in the field of materials science. Nominees need not be members of the Materials Research Society and nominees of any nationality are eligible. Current members of the Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science Subcommittee. MRS Board of Directors members, the Awards Chair, and previous recipients of this award are not eligible. One award is presented annually at the MRS Fall Meeting. The endowing parties will not be involved in the selection process for this award. Nominations are active for one submission period only.
Nominees should: