November 27 - December 4, 2020
November 27 - December 4, 2020 (Virtual)
2020 MRS Spring/Fall Meeting

Symposium F.SF06-High-Entropy and Compositionally Complex Alloys

High-entropy alloys (HEAs), or compositionally complex alloys (CCAs), consist of multiple principal elements in high concentrations. They occupy a vast unexplored space near the centers of phase diagrams where many new materials with potentially superior properties are waiting to be discovered. Some complex alloys are single-phase solid solutions and thus provide a platform to investigate the fundamental ways in which concentrated alloys are different from, or similar to, conventional alloys that contain just one or two principal elements. Others have multiphase microstructures that allow for the optimization of several properties simultaneously. There remain many fascinating and unanswered questions about how to quantify compositional complexity and its effects on basic structure-property relationships. While the vast compositional space available for HEAs/CCAs poses immense experimental and theoretical challenges, it also provides unprecedented chemical flexibility to deepen fundamental understanding and develop new materials.

This symposium focuses on both fundamental and practical aspects of HEAs and CCAs and their governing structure-property relationships. We solicit papers that address these issues using experimental and/or theoretical approaches. Of special interest are new developments in alloy design targeting properties beyond those possible with conventional alloys, as well as unique aspects of HEAs/CCAs attributable to their chemical and structural complexity.

Topics will include:

  • Mechanical properties–Ductility, strength, pseudoelasticity, shape memory, fatigue, fracture, and their temperature and strain rate dependences
  • Mechanism-based understanding of mechanical properties
  • Phase stability and kinetics of phase transformations
  • Corrosion and oxidation behavior
  • Diffusion and transport properties, and underlying mechanisms
  • High-entropy ceramics and functional properties
  • Microstructure control for property optimization
  • Effects of compositional complexity on physical and mechanical properties
  • Theoretical descriptions and experimental measurements of local and long-range disorder/atomic displacements and their effects on properties
  • First-principles calculations and potential development for simulations
  • High-throughput theoretical and experimental methods to efficiently identify useful compositions in multi-dimensional space
  • Alloy design
  • Applications and the critical/relevant properties that make them possible

Invited Speakers:

  • Mark Asta (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • Gerald Frankel (Ohio State University, USA)
  • Bernd Gludovatz (University of New South Wales, Australia)
  • Blazej Grabowski (Universität Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Martin Heilmaier (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
  • Nicholas Jones (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
  • Hyoung Seop Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
  • Toshiyuki Koyama (Nagoya University, Japan)
  • Mathilde Laurent-Brocq (Chimie Paris Tech–École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, France)
  • Zhaoping Lu (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)
  • En Ma (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
  • Anna Manzoni (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)
  • Michael Mills (The Ohio State University, USA)
  • Alexander Shapeev (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russian Federation)
  • Koichi Tsuchiya (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
  • Ying Yang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)

Symposium Organizers

Céline Varvenne
Aix-Marseille Universite
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille

Haruyuki Inui
Kyoto University
Materials Science and Engineering Department

Uwe Glatzel
Universitat Bayreuth
Metals and Alloys

Easo George
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Materials Science and Technology Division


alloy casting chemical composition defects dislocations grain size interatomic arrangements phase equilibria phase transformation strain relationship