April 22 - 26, 2024
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May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

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2024 MRS Spring Meeting

New Insights into Magnetization Dynamics in Multiferroics: Role of Two-Dimensional Correlations in Three-Dimensional TbMnO3 and DyMnO3

When and Where

May 9, 2024
10:30am - 10:35am



Subray Bhat2,Narmada Hegde1

S N Bose Physics Learning Center1,Indian Institute of Science2


Subray Bhat2,Narmada Hegde1

S N Bose Physics Learning Center1,Indian Institute of Science2
In the multiferroic manganites such as TbMnO<sub>3</sub>, DyMnO<sub>3 </sub>and GdMnO<sub>3</sub>, frustration, either geometric or that arising from competing microscopic interactions, is known to have a major effect in determining the phase diagram of the material [1,2]. Additionally, the complex incommensurate and cycloidal structures underlying the multiferroicity arise from freezing out of certain dynamical modes. The study of temperature dependence of Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth ΔH(T) provides valuable information about spin dynamics. For example, in TbMnO<sub>3</sub> [3] and DyMnO<sub>3 </sub>[4] EPR studies showed the presence of frustrated magnetism and strong, short range antiferromagnetic fluctuations much above the antiferromagnetic transition temperature T<sub>N</sub>. It turns out that the analysis of ΔH(T) requires fitting the data to an appropriate model. In the EPR studies on TbMnO<sub>3</sub> and DyMnO<sub>3</sub>, following reference [5] , the ‘spin freezing model’, where ΔH(T) = A exp[ - (T-T<sub>s</sub>)/T<sub>0</sub>] + mT + ΔH<sub>0</sub>, where A is a proportionality constant, T<sub>S</sub> is the critical transition temperature, e.g., T<sub>N</sub>, and T<sub>0</sub> is an empirical constant, was used to fit the experimental data. mT and ΔH<sub>0 </sub>account for linear T-dependence and T-independent value of the line width. However, the fits reported in the papers do not appear to be very good. In a recent detailed study of EPR ΔH(T) in certain doped rare earth perovskite manganites we showed [6] that a more appropriate model to use is the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) model which takes in to account the possibility that the correlations could be two-dimensional, either due to the nature of the exchange interactions in the material or/and due to the effect of the applied magnetic field. According to this model, ΔH(T) = ΔH<sub>∞</sub>exp [3b/√(T/T<sub>BKT</sub> -1)] + mT+ ΔH<sub>0</sub>, where T<sub>BKT</sub> is the BKT transition temperature, ΔH<sub>∞</sub> is a constant, b takes the value of <i>π/</i>2 for a square lattice but has been theoretically shown to take an arbitrary value. This result has been confirmed by a number of recent studies[7]. Following this work, we reanalyse the data on TbMnO<sub>3</sub> and DyMnO<sub>3</sub>, the latter in both hexagonal and orthorhombic forms and find that indeed the BKT analysis leads to significantly better fits. We summarize the results below: for TbMnO<sub>3</sub>, the spin-freezing model fits with the parameters ΔH<sub>0</sub> = 320.9 (G), A = 7863.5 (G), T<sub>N</sub> = 50 K, T<sub>0</sub> = 49.5 and the goodness of the fit factor R<sup>2</sup> = 0.973; whereas the BKT model fits better. According to this model ΔH<sub>∞</sub>= 7.92 (G), m = -0.134, T<sub>BKT</sub> = 80.99 K, ΔH<sub>0</sub> = 306.1 (G) and a better fit with R<sup>2</sup> = 0.996. For hexagonal DyMnO<sub>3 </sub>the spin freezing model values are ΔH<sub>0</sub> = 975.56 (G). A = 9866.28 (G), T<sub>N</sub> = 79.37 K, T<sub>0</sub> = 24.02 and the goodness of the fit factor R<sup>2</sup> = 0.992. The BKT model fits slightly better. The parameter values are ΔH<sub>∞</sub> = 30.32 (G), m = -0.058, T<sub>BKT</sub> = 53.44 K, ΔH<sub>0</sub> = 599.79 (G) and a slightly better fit with R<sup>2</sup> = 0.999; however, we note that for orthorhombic DyMnO<sub>3</sub> the spin freezing model gives a better fit with parameters ΔH<sub>0</sub> =1477.6 (G). A = 3069.9 (G), T<sub>N</sub> = 70 K, T<sub>0</sub> = 189.69 and the goodness of the fit factor R<sup>2</sup> = 0.997. The parameters for the BKT fit are ΔH<sub>∞</sub> = 185.26 (G), m = -4.88, T<sub>BKT</sub> = 16 K ΔH<sub>0</sub>= 3263.4 (G) and a slightly poorer fit with R<sup>2</sup> = 0.994. We discuss the implications of the subtle differences in the spin dynamics as reflected in these numbers.<br/><br/>[1] T. Kimura, T. Goto, H. Shintani, K. Ishizaka, T. Arima, Y. Tokura, Nature 426 (2003) 55.<br/>[2] T. Lottermoser et al., Nature 430 (2004) 541.<br/>[3] N O Moreno et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310 (2007) e364–e366<br/>[4] S Harikrishnan et al., J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008) 023902<br/>[5] E. Granado, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 5385.<br/>[6] A. Ashoka, K.S. Bhagyashree, S.V. Bhat., Phys. Rev. B 102, (2020) 024429 and<br/>A. Ashoka, K.S. Bhagyashree, S.V. Bhat., MRS Advances, 5, (2020) 2251–2260<br/>[7] S. Chaudhuri et al., Phys. Rev. B<b>106</b>, (2022) 094416 and references cited therein.


electron spin resonance | magnetic properties | perovskites

Symposium Organizers

Lucas Caretta, Brown University
Yu-Tsun Shao, University of Southern California
Sandhya Susarla, Arizona State University
Y. Eren Suyolcu, Max Planck Institute

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