About MRS

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature


MRS Membership     

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, materials scientists and researchers from around the world are working on projects that have the potential to change the way we live. You and your colleagues work in a wide variety of settings and are interested in the total spectrum of materials-related issues and applications. Yet in many ways, your goals and challenges are much the same. To seek information. To collaborate with one another on ground-breaking techniques. To earn the respect of your peers. And to reach out to your communities.

To help you reach these goals, one society stands out from the rest—the Materials Research Society. Founded in 1973 to promote interdisciplinary goal-oriented basic research on materials of technological importance, the Society is now over 13,000 members strong—and includes regular, student, retired and unemployed membership options.

MRS Membership is for Everyone!

To better serve students and professionals from all technical and economic sectors of the worldwide materials community, individuals working or studying in developing countries are eligible for discounted electronic membership.

MRS Member Benefits

MRS member benefits include FREE electronic access to all MRS journals—MRS Bulletin, Journal of Materials Research (JMR), MRS Communications, MRS Energy & Sustainability, MRS Advances and the MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive—as well as discounted registration rates for MRS meetings and workshops and more.

Get Involved with MRS

MRS is member-run and member-driven, and there is always a need for new volunteers of varying skills and interests. MRS member volunteers organize symposia, serve on governance committees, propose MRS Bulletin topics, participate in outreach efforts and much more.

Member Directory

Searchable directory for members.

MRS Standards of Behavior

MRS believes in high standards of professional behavior. A Core Value of the Society is to be inclusive and egalitarian and our Aspiration is to engage members across generations to advance their careers and promote materials research and innovation.  

MRS members, volunteers, authors, and event participants are expected to adhere to MRS standards for ethical and professional behavior.