Nanoscale Science and Technology

Graphene, BN, MoS2 and Other 2D Materials and Devices

Thomas Beechem, Sandia National Laboratories
Kevin Daniels,
University of Maryland
Mona Ebrish,
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
James Edgar,
Kansas State University
Randall Feenstra,
Carnegie Mellon University
Susan Fullerton,
University of Pittsburgh
Jyoti Katoch,
Carnegie Mellon University
Roland Kawakami,
The Ohio State University
Manos Kioupakis,
University of Michigan
Rachel Koltun,
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Lincoln Lauhon,
Northwestern University
Suzanne Mohney,
The Pennsylvania State University
Siddharth Rajan,
The Ohio State University
Joan Redwing,
The Pennsylvania State University
Joshua Robinson,
The Pennsylvania State University
Michael Snure,
Air Force Research Laboratory
Michael Spencer,
Morgan State University
Christine Wang,
Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
Huili Grace Xing,
Cornell University

Low-Dimensional Structures—Quantum Dots, Wires and Wells

Ganesh Balakrishnan, The University of New Mexico
Matthew Doty,
University of Delaware
Kurt Eyink,
Air Force Research Laboratory
Rachel Goldman,
University of Michigan
Lincoln Lauhon,
Northwestern University
Minjoo (Larry) Lee,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
Zetian Mi,
University of Michigan
Jamie Phillips,
University of Delaware
Paul Simmonds,
Boise State University
Daniel Wasserman,
The University of Texas at Austin

Nanoscale Characterization—Scanning Probes, Electron Microscopy and Other Techniques

Thomas Beechem, Sandia National Laboratories
Rachel Goldman,
University of Michigan
Lincoln Lauhon,
Northwestern University
James LeBeau, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anders Mikkelsen,
Lund University
Jay Mody,
Volker Rose,
Argonne National Laboratory
Rainer Timm,
Lund University
Heayoung Yoon,
The University of Utah
Edward Yu,
The University of Texas at Austin

Nanostructured Materials

Kris Bertness, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Matt Brubaker,
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Xiuling Li,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
Zetian Mi,
University of Michigan
Anders Mikkelsen,
Lund University
Parsian Mohseni,
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roberto Myers,
The Ohio State University
Nate Quitoriano,
McGill University
Rainer Timm,
Lund University
George Wang,
Sandia National Laboratories
William Wong,
University of Waterloo


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